\n" . "Script Version: $version
\n" . "Script Date: $date"); } } // Add a message to overwrite the // default "no results found" message $custom_msg = ''; // Fixes REQUEST_URI if they are running certain // version of IIS if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { if(isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } else { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } // The location of the generated search file $search_file = substr_replace(__FILE__, 'txt', -3); // The location of the generated prefs file $pref_file = substr_replace(__FILE__, 'xml', -3); // Takes care of all of the users global weight preferences. // The higher these numbers are set, the more the keywords that // are found in a given page in a given section will weigh // relative to the global weight of the page. $weights = array(); // The global weight of the meta keys for a page $weights['meta_keys_weight'] = 1; // The global weight of the meta description for a page $weights['meta_desc_weight'] = 1; // The global weight of the user keys for a page $weights['user_keys_weight'] = 1; // The global weight of the users indiviual weight for a page $weights['user_weight'] = 1; // The global weight of the content for a page $weights['content_weight'] = 1; // The flexibility of the search. If you set this number higher, // you get less, but more acurate results. If you set this number // lower, you get more but less acurate results. If you set this // number to a negative number, it will return all pages. $search_flex = 1; // The user-inputted search phrase $query = stripslashes($_GET['q']); // The current page of the search results $page = (!isset($_GET['p']) || (int) $_GET['p'] < 1) ? 1 : (int) $_GET['p']; // This class holds some general user inputted preferences for // the look of the search page. class Pref { // The html for the header var $htmlheader; // The html for the footer var $htmlfooter; // The name of the font to use var $htmlfontname; // The hex code for the background color var $htmlbkcolor; // The hex code for the text color var $htmltextcolor; // The hex code for the link color var $htmllinkcolor; // The hex code for the vlink color var $htmlvlinkcolor; // The font size to use var $htmlfontsize; // I'm not too sure about this one var $fontbold; // I'm not too sure about this one var $fontitalic; // The number of results per page var $resultsperpage; // The swf code var $htmlswf; // The date flag var $htmldate; // The def flag var $htmldef; // The rel flag var $htmlrel; // The default language var $htmldeflanguage; // The highlight color var $htmlhighlight; // The ad position var $adpos; // The ad html var $adhtml; // The font for the date var $htmldatefontface; // The font size for the date var $htmldatefontsize; // The font color for the date var $htmldatefontcolor; // The font style for the date var $htmldatefontstyle; // The font for the relevancy var $htmlrelevancyfontface; // The font size for the relevancy var $htmlrelevancyfontsize; // The font color for the relevancy var $htmlrelevancyfontcolor; // The font style for the relevancy var $htmlrelevancyfontstyle; // The font for the definition var $htmldefinitionfontface; // The font size for the definition var $htmldefinitionfontsize; // The font color for the definition var $htmldefinitionfontcolor; // The font style for the definition var $htmldefinitionfontstyle; // This function builds the prefs object given an array function Pref ($attr) { // Itterates through all the given attributes foreach ($attr as $name => $value) { // Check to see if we need to convert to css style // hex color if(preg_match('/^0x([\dA-F]{6})$/', $value, $match)) { $this->$name = '#' . $match[1]; } else { $this->$name = $value; } } // Setting defaults just incase if ($this->htmlfontname == '') { $this->htmlfontname = 'Arial'; } if ($this->htmlbkcolor == '') { $this->htmlbkcolor = '#FFF'; } if ($this->htmltextcolor == '') { $this->htmltextcolor = '#000'; } if ($this->htmllinkcolor == '') { $this->htmllinkcolor = '#00F'; } if ($this->htmlvlinkcolor == '') { $this->htmlvlinkcolor = '#F00'; } if ($this->htmlfontsize == '') { $this->htmlfontsize = 13; } if ($this->resultsperpage == '') { $this->resultsperpage = 10; } if ($this->htmldatefontface == '') { $this->htmldatefontface == 'Arial'; } if ($this->htmldatefontcolor == '') { $this->htmldatefontcolor = 'green'; } if ($this->htmldatefontsize == '') { $this->htmldatefontsize = 13; } if ($this->htmlrelevancyfontface == '') { $this->htmlrelevancyfontface = 'Arial'; } if ($this->htmlrelevancyfontcolor == '') { $this->htmlrelevancyfontcolor = 'green'; } if ($this->htmlrelevancyfontsize == '') { $this->htmlrelevancyfontsize = 12; } if ($this->htmldefinitionfontface == '') { $this->htmldefinitionfontface = 'Arial'; } if ($this->htmldefinitionfontcolor == '') { $this->htmldefinitionfontcolor = '0000FF'; } if ($this->htmldefinitionfontsize == '') { $this->htmldefinitionfontsize = 12; } // Translate and prepare the styles for the date and url switch ($this->htmldatefontstyle) { case '1': $this->htmldatefontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n"; break; case '2': $this->htmldatefontstyle = "\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; case '3': $this->htmldatefontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; default: $this->htmldatefontstyle = "\n font-weight:normal;\n font-style:normal;\n"; } // Translate and prepare the styles for the relevancy switch ($this->htmlrelevancyfontstyle) { case '1': $this->htmlrelevancyfontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n"; break; case '2': $this->htmlrelevancyfontstyle = "\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; case '3': $this->htmlrelevancyfontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; default: $this->htmlrelevancyfontstyle = "\n font-weight:normal;\n font-style:normal;\n"; } // Translate and prepare the styles for the definition switch ($this->htmldefinitionfontstyle) { case '1': $this->htmldefinitionfontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n"; break; case '2': $this->htmldefinitionfontstyle = "\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; case '3': $this->htmldefinitionfontstyle = "\n font-weight:bold;\n font-style:italic;\n"; break; default: $this->htmldefinitionfontstyle = "\n font-weight:normal;\n font-style:normal;\n"; } // Get the language for wiki switch ($this->htmldeflanguage) { case 'Deutsch': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'de'; break; case 'Francais': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'fr'; break; case 'Svenska': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'sv'; break; case 'Nederlands': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'nl'; break; case 'Polski': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'pl'; break; case 'Portugues': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'pt'; break; case 'Espanol': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'es'; break; case 'Italiano': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'it'; break; case 'Japanese': $this->htmldeflanguage = 'ja'; break; default: $this->htmldeflanguage = 'en'; } // Just making stuff pretty for css $this->htmldefinitionfontsize .= 'px'; $this->htmlrelevancyfontsize .= 'px'; $this->htmldatefontsize .= 'px'; $this->htmlfontsize .= 'px;'; $this->htmlfontname .= ';'; $this->htmlbkcolor .= ';'; $this->htmltextcolor .= ';'; $this->htmllinkcolor .= ';'; $this->htmlvlinkcolor .= ';'; $this->htmlfontsize .= ';'; // Checking for the highlight color $this->htmlhighlight=(($this->htmlhighlight != '') ? $this->htmlhighlight : $this->htmlbkcolor) . ';'; // If the user included a header, decode it if($this->htmlheader != '') { $this->htmlheader = $this->htmlheader; } // If the user included a footer, decode it if($this->htmlfooter != '') { $this->htmlfooter = $this->htmlfooter; } // Fixing some xml spelling errors from // the windows application $this->adhtml = ($this->addhtml) ? $this->addhtml : $this->adhtml; $this->adpos = ($this->addpos) ? $this->addpos : $this->adpos; } } // This class will be instantiated for every instance of the page // node found in the generated xml file. The attributes of this // class correspond directly to the children of the page node. // This class also include various methods for searching and // calculating the current weight of any given page. class Page { // The url for the page var $url; // The date the page was last indexed var $indexed; // The meta keys for the page var $meta_keys; // The meta description of the page var $meta_desc; // The user-inputted keys for the page var $user_keys; // The user-inputted weight for the page var $user_weight; // The contents for the page var $content; // The calculated weight for the meta keys for this page var $meta_keys_weight; // The calculate weight for the meta description for this page var $meta_desc_weight; // The calculated weight for the user-inputted keys for this page var $user_keys_weight; // The calculated weight for the content for this page var $content_weight; // The total weight for this page var $weight; // This function builds the page object given an array of elements function Page ($attr) { foreach ($attr as $name => $value) { $this->$name = $value; } // Initialize the boled content and remove fix html entities $this->bolded_content = $this->content; // REMOVED TO COMPLY WITH EUROPEAN DATE FORMATS // Convert the date to a friendly format //$date = explode('/', $this->indexed); //$this->indexed = date("M d, Y", mktime(0,0,0,$date[0],$date[1],$date[2])); } // Searches and weighs this page using a given string function search ($string) { // Initialization of all of the local weights $this->meta_keys_weight = 0; $this->meta_desc_weight = 0; $this->user_keys_weight = 0; $this->content_weight = 0; // Finded quoted string for exact matches preg_match_all('/"([^"]*)"/', trim($string), $word_array); $string = preg_replace('/("[^"]*")/', '', trim($string)); // Splits up the seach string into just words, ignoring all // punctuations, white-space and any other unwanted characters preg_match_all("/([\w'\-]*)[^\w'\-]*/",trim($string), $word_array_2); // Takes out the garbage array_pop($word_array_2[1]); // Merge the array from the quoted strings and the unquoted strings $word_array[1] = array_merge($word_array[1], $word_array_2[1]); // Initialize max len for importance calculations $max_len = 0; // Check for the OR operator $keys = array_keys($word_array[1], "OR"); $count = count($keys); // Assigns all of the local weight multiplers for each word to be // multiplied against the global weight settings foreach ($word_array[1] as $key => $word) { // Check for the exclusion operator if($word{0} == '-') { $neg = true; $word = substr($word, 1); } else { $neg = false; } // Check for the OR operator if($count > 0) { // If this is our first pass, // set the OR array if(!isset($or_array)) { $or_array = array(); $or_array[$count] = 't'; } // If the current word is OR // Initialize the next array // element if($word == 'OR') { $or_array[--$count] = 't'; } } // Calculate weights $content_weight = $this->get_multiplier($word, $this->content); $meta_keys_weight = $this->get_multiplier($word, $this->meta_keys); $meta_desc_weight = $this->get_multiplier($word, $this->meta_desc); $user_keys_weight = $this->get_multiplier($word, $this->user_keys); // If any word doesnt appear in one of the fields if($content_weight == 0 && $meta_keys_weight == 0 && $meta_desc_weight == 0 && $user_keys_weight == 0) { // If the current word isn't preceeded by an // exlusion operator if(!$neg) { // If the current search doesnt contain // any OR operators if(!isset($or_array)) { // Return a weight of zero for the current page return $this->weight = 0; } // Else, Set the current section of the OR to false else { $or_array[$count] = 'f'; } } } // If the word does appear and the word is preceeded // by an exclusion operator, return a weight of zero // for the current page else if($neg) { return $this->weight = 0; } // Otherwise, calculate the current weights of the found // words else { $this->content_weight += $content_weight; $this->meta_keys_weight += $meta_keys_weight; $this->meta_desc_weight += $meta_desc_weight; $this->user_keys_weight += $user_keys_weight; // Bold all of the keywords $this->bolded_content = preg_replace("/\b(" . $word . ")\b/i", '\1', $this->bolded_content); } // Get the length of the current word $len = strlen($word); // If the length is greater than the longest word so far // Set the current string to the longest word if($len > $max_len) { $max_len = $len; $most_important = $word; } } // If the user is using the OR operator and none of the // sections found all matches, return 0 as the current // weight if(isset($or_array) && !in_array('t', $or_array)) { return $this->weight = 0; } // Set the string we're looking for since we will be using it quite a bit $findme = "$most_important"; // Find the position of the first occurance of this string $strpos = strpos(strtolower($this->bolded_content), strtolower($findme)); // If the string can't be found in the content, simply display the // first 256 characters if($strpos === false) { $start_point = 0; $end_point = 256; } // If the string position is found, set a start point and an end point // to start clipping else { $start_point = $strpos - 128; $end_point = $strpos + 128; } // Look for a space that we can clip off before the first occurance of // the longest string, if one isn't found, set the start_point to the // first occurance of the longest string if(($start_point = $this->find_space($start_point, $this->bolded_content)) === false) { $start_point = $strpos; } // Look for a space that we can clip after the first occurance of // the longest string, if one isn't found, set the end_point to the // end of the first occurance of the longest string if(($end_point = $this->find_space($end_point, $this->bolded_content, true)) === false) { $end_point = $strpos + strlen($findme); } // Initialize the bolded content string which will be used // for the displayed results $bolded_content = ''; // If the starting point isn't at the beginning of the content // add the '...' to show that the result is taken out of context if($start_point != 0) { $bolded_content .= '...'; } // Make the clippings for the bolded content $bolded_content .= substr($this->bolded_content, $start_point + 1, $end_point - $start_point - 1); // If the ending point isn't at the end of the content // add the '...' to show that the result is taken out of context if($end_point != strlen($this->bolded_content) - 1) { $bolded_content .= '...'; } $this->bolded_content = $bolded_content; // Returns the total weight for the current page and assigns // the total weight to the weight attibute return $this->weight = $this->get_total_weight(); } // Finds a place that is alright for clipping while staying in bound function find_space($start, $string, $reverse = false) { // If the reverse flag isn't set, then we move in forward motion if(!$reverse) { // Set the delimeter $del = $start + 128; // Loop through all possible characters for($i = $start; $i < $del; $i++) { // Make sure we're in bounds if($i > 0) { // Check to see if the current character is okay for // a clipping point if($this->check($string[$i]) === true) { return $i; } } } // If we can't find a suitable place for clipping, we return false return false; } // If the reverse flag is set, the we move in revers else { // So we don't have to continuously calculate these $cnt = strlen($string); // Set the current delimeter $del = $start - 128; // Loop through all possible characters for($i = $start; $i > $del; $i--) { // Make sure we're in bounds if($i < $cnt) { // Check to see if the current character is okay for // a clipping point if($this->check($string[$i]) === true) { return $i; } } } // If we can't find a suitable place for clipping, we return false return false; } } // Check to see if a passed character is not a character that may be // part of a word or something else important function check($char) { if(ord($char) < 47 && ord($char) != 39 ) { return true; } return false; } // Calculates and returns the global weight for the current page function get_total_weight() { global $weights; return ($this->meta_keys_weight * $weights['meta_keys_weight']) + ($this->meta_desc_weight * $weights['meta_desc_weight']) + ($this->user_keys_weight * $weights['user_keys_weight']) + ($this->content_weight * $weights['content_weight']) + ($this->user_weight * $weights['user_weight']); } // Calculates the multiplier for a word by counting the number // of times the given word appears in a section function get_multiplier ($needle, $haystack) { preg_match_all("/\b" . $needle . "\b/i", $haystack, $matches); return count($matches[0]) * strlen($needle); } } // Returns the current time function stamp () { $time_init = explode(chr(32),microtime()); return $time_init[1] + $time_init[0]; } // Returns the amount of time that has elapsed between two times function elapsed ($time_start, $time_end) { return substr(($time_end - $time_start), 0, 5); } // Parses an xml file and builds an array of Page Object out of it. // Return the array of page objects or false if an error occurs. function parse_xml ($xml_file) { // Reads the xml file into a string $xml = file_get_contents($xml_file); $parser = xml_parser_create(); // Disables casefolding for semantical purposes xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // Skips values that consist of only white space xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); // If the xml fails to parse into a struct, we return false if(xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $values, $tags) === 0) { return false; } xml_parser_free($parser); // Itterates through all of the tags foreach ($tags as $name => $value) { // If we find a page node, start building the page object if ($name == 'page') { $nodes = $value; $cnt = count($nodes); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i += 2) { $element_array[] = build_page(array_slice($values, $nodes[$i], $nodes[$i + 1] - $nodes[$i] + 1)); } } // If we're looking at the prefs file, load the prefs object else if ($name == 'coffeecupsearch') { return new Pref($values[0]['attributes']); } } return (count($element_array) > 0) ? $element_array : false; } // Constructs a page object using an array of corresponding nodes and values function build_page ($values) { $cnt = count($values); // Itterates through all of the nodes for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { // If an attribute array is found, add each attribute to the page array if(is_array($values[$i]['attributes'])) { // Itterates through all of the attributes and then adds them // to the page array foreach($values[$i]['attributes'] as $name => $value) { $page[$name] = $value; } } // If any complete nodes are found, adds them to the page array if($values[$i]['type'] == 'complete') { $page[$values[$i]['tag']] = $values[$i]['value']; } } // Return the new page object return new Page($page); } // This is for sorting the page objects in descending order, based on weight. // Basically just your run of the mill quick sort implementation. function quick_sort (&$array, $left, $right) { // hold the ends of the current array $l_hold = $left; $r_hold = $right; // the pivot point is starts at the far left $pivot = $array[$left]; // Itterates through every value in the current array while ($left < $right) { // So long as the weight is less than or equal to the weight of the // pivot object, continue on to the next value while (($array[$right]->weight <= $pivot->weight) && ($left < $right)) { $right--; } // If we reach this code, and its not because we've reached the end // of the array, then we must move the current value to the other side // of the pivot if ($left != $right) { $array[$left] = $array[$right]; $left++; } // Now were moving from the left to the right, so long as the weight // is greater than or equal to the pivot value, continue to the next // value while (($array[$left]->weight >= $pivot->weight) && ($left < $right)) { $left++; } // If we read this code, and its not because we've reached the end // of the array, then we must move the current value to the other side // of the pivot if ($left != $right) { $array[$right] = $array[$left]; $right--; } } // Put everything into its place $array[$left] = $pivot; $pivot = $left; $left = $l_hold; $right = $r_hold; // If we still have more on the left side, continue to quick sort if ($left < $pivot) { quick_sort($array, $left, $pivot - 1); } // if we still have more on the right side continue to quick sort if ($right > $pivot) { quick_sort($array, $pivot + 1, $right); } } // Callback function to format the definition links function fix_entities($matches) { global $prefs; return "htmldeflanguage.wikipedia.com/wiki/$matches[1]\">" . "$matches[1]" . htmlentities($matches[2]); } // Get the current time $st = stamp(); // Attempt to parse the preferences file if(($prefs = parse_xml($pref_file)) === false) { $body = "

There seems to be a problem loading " . "your preferences file.

\n"; $title = "Error"; } // Check to make sure that the query isn't blank else if(trim($query) != '') { // Attempt to parse the search file if(($xml = parse_xml($search_file)) === false) { $body = "

There seems to be a problem processing " . "your request

\n"; $title = "Error"; } else { $title = 'Search results for "' . htmlentities($query) . '"'; // Initialize the $results array $results = array(); //Itterate through all of the pages foreach ($xml as $key => $val) { // Try to find a page that returns a weight greater than the current // $search_flex settings when searching for a given search string if($xml[$key]->search($query) > $search_flex) { $results[] = $xml[$key]; } } // Get the number of results because we will be using it a lot $cnt = count($results); // Get the search string because we will be using it a lot $q = $query; $query = htmlentities(urldecode($query)); // If some results were found if ($cnt > 0) { // Sort the results in decending order quick_sort($results, 0, count($results) - 1); // Get the result number of the first result on the current page $start = $page * $prefs->resultsperpage - $prefs->resultsperpage; // Get the heaviest weight for relevance $heaviest = $results[0]->weight; // We need to make sure that the user isn't trying to request a page // that is outside of this result set if ($start < $cnt) { // Get the results for the current page $page_results = array_slice($results, $start, $prefs->resultsperpage); if(!$prefs->btnbkd){ array_pop($page_results); $i = 'ICAgIDxoMz48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmNvZmZlZWN1cC5jb20vIiB0YXJn'. 'ZXQ9Il9ibGFuayI+RG93bmxvYWQgQ29mZmVlQ3VwIFNvZnR3YXJlIE5vdyAhPC9h'. 'PjwvaDM+CiAgICA8cD5UaGlzIHNlYXJjaCBlbmdpbmUgd2FzIGNyZWF0ZWQgdXNp'. 'bmcgQ29mZmVlQ3VwIFdlYnNpdGUgU2VhcmNoLjxiciAvPiBWaXNpdCA8YSBocmVm'. 'PSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmNvZmZlZWN1cC5jb20iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIj5odHRw'. 'Oi8vd3d3LmNvZmZlZWN1cC5jb20vPC9hPiB0byBjaGVjayBvdXQgYWxsIG91ciBX'. 'ZWIgRGVzaWduIHNvZnR3YXJlIGFuZCBTZWFyY2ggRW5naW5lIFN1Ym1pc3Npb24g'. 'c2VydmljZXMuPGJyIC8+IDxzdHJvbmc+PGVtPlsgVGhpcyBsaW5rIGNhbiBvbmx5'. 'IGJlIHJlbW92ZWQgYnkgcHVyY2hhc2luZyBDb2ZmZWVDdXAgV2Vic2l0ZSBTZWFy'. 'Y2ggXTwvZW0+PC9zdHJvbmc+PC9wPgogICAgPHAgY2xhc3M9InVybF9pbmZvIj48'. 'YSB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5jb2ZmZWVjdXAuY29t'. 'LyI+aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jb2ZmZWVjdXAuY29tLzwvYT4gLSA='; $body .= base64_decode($i).date("M d, Y").'

';} // Add the results to the body of the page foreach ($page_results as $page_result) { $body .= "

url\">" . (($page_result->title) ? $page_result->title : $page_result->url) . "

\n" . "


\n" . "

$page_result->url" . (($prefs->htmldate == 'true') ? (" - " . $page_result->indexed) : '') . (($prefs->htmlrel == 'true') ? (" - Relevance: " . sprintf("%.2f",$page_result->weight / $heaviest * 100) . '%') : '') . "

\n"; } // Check to see if we need to add navigational links to our search if ($cnt > $prefs->resultsperpage) { // Adds all previous page links for ($i = $page - 4; $i != $page; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $navigation .= " $i \n"; } } // Adds the current age number $navigation .= " $page \n"; // Adds all of the next page links for($i = $page + 1; $i != $page + 5; $i++) { if(($i * $prefs->resultsperpage - ($prefs->resultsperpage - 1)) <= $cnt) { $navigation .= " $i \n"; } // Might as well leave the loop if weve gone out of range else { break; } } // Adds the "Next" and "Prev" links if needed $navigation = "

\n" . (($page != 1) ? (" Prev \n") : '') . "$navigation" . ((($page + 1) * $prefs->resultsperpage - ($prefs->resultsperpage - 1) <= $cnt) ? (" Next \n") : '') . "

"; } // Get the ending time stamp $et = elapsed($st, stamp()); // Preparing some infor about the current page $result_info = "

Found $cnt results for \"" . (($prefs->htmldef == 'true') ? (preg_replace_callback("/([\w'\-]{3,})([^\w'\-]*)/", "fix_entities", $q)) : htmlentities($q)) . "\" in $et " . "seconds.
Displaying results " . ($start + 1) . " - " . ((($start + $prefs->resultsperpage) > $cnt) ? $cnt : ($start + $prefs->resultsperpage)) . "

"; // If the user has included an ad if($prefs->adhtml != '') { // Set the default position for an ad if($prefs->adpos == '') { $prefs->adpos = 'right'; } // Set the formatting for the ad $prefs->adhtml = "\n\n \n

Sponsered Links

" . "$prefs->adhtml
\n "; // Adjust the styles depending on the ad position the user picked // If the user wants ads on the right, float the content left and the ads // right and clear it all with the nav box if($prefs->adpos == 'right') { $adstyle = "\n\n#ads\n{\n float:right;\n width:20%;\n margin:10px 50px 0 0;" . "\n padding:10px;\n border:1px #AAA dashed;\n}\n" . "\n#ads h4\n{\n text-align:center;\n margin:0 0 10px;\n color:#AAA;\n}\n"; $results_style = "margin:0 0 50px 50px;\n float:left;\n width:50%;"; $navigation_style = "\n clear:both;"; } // If the user wants the ads on the left, float the ads left and the content left // and clear it all with the nav box else if($prefs->adpos == 'left') { $adstyle= "\n\n#ads\n{\n float:left;\n width:20%;\n margin:10px 0 0 50px;" . "\n padding:10px;\n border:1px #AAA dashed;\n}\n" . "\n#ads h4\n{\n text-align:center;\n margin:0 0 10px;\n color:#AAA;\n}\n"; $results_style = "margin:0 50px 50px;\n float:left;\n width:50%;"; $navigation_style = "\n clear:both;"; } // If the user wants the ads on the top, just display the ads as a box above the // search results but below the results info else if($prefs->adpos == 'top') { $adstyle= "\n\n#ads\n{\n width:90%;\n margin-left:50px;\n padding:10px;\n" . " border:1px #AAA dashed;\n}\n" . "\n#ads h4\n{\n text-align:center;\n margin:0 0 10px;\n color:#AAA;\n}\n"; $results_style = "margin:0 50px 50px;"; } // If the user wants the ads on the bottom, just display the ads as a box and // physically move its position in the html to the bottom of the page else if($prefs->adpos == 'bottom') { $adstyle= "\n\n#ads\n{\n width:90%;\n margin-left:50px;\n padding:10px;\n" . " border:1px #AAA dashed;\n}\n" . "\n#ads h4\n{\n text-align:center;\n margin:0 0 10px;\n color:#AAA;\n}\n"; $results_style = "margin:0 50px 15px;"; // Move the ad to the bottom $adhtml_moved = $prefs->adhtml; $prefs->adhtml = ''; } } $definition_style = "\n\n#result_info a\n{\n font-family:$prefs->htmldefinitionfontface;\n" . " font-size:$prefs->htmldefinitionfontsize;\n" . " color:$prefs->htmldefinitionfontcolor;" . $prefs->htmldefinitionfontstyle . "}"; $date_style = "\n\n.url_info\n{\n font-family:$prefs->htmldatefontface;\n" . " font-size:$prefs->htmldatefontsize;\n" . " color:$prefs->htmldatefontcolor;" . $prefs->htmldatefontstyle . "}"; $relevancy_style = "\n\n.relevancy\n{\n font-family:$prefs->htmlrelevancyfontface;\n" . " font-size:$prefs->htmlrelevancyfontsize;\n" . " color:$prefs->htmlrelevancyfontcolor;" . $prefs->htmlrelevancyfontstyle . "}"; } // The user requested an page that falls outside the current results set else { $body = "

Error: The page you have requested falls outside the result set.

\n"; $prefs->adhtml = ''; } } // No matches were found else { $body = ($custom_msg != '') ? $custom_msg : ("

No matches found for search \"$query\"

\n" . "


" . " \n"); $prefs->adhtml = ''; } } } // If the query was left blank, don't show ads else { $prefs->adhtml = ''; } if ($results_style == '') { $results_style = "margin:0 50px 50px;"; } // If the header isn't set, make one for them if($prefs->htmlheader == '') $prefs->htmlheader = <<< EOHEADER $title EOHEADER; $page = <<< EOPAGE $result_info $prefs->adhtml
$adhtml_moved $navigation EOPAGE; // If the footer isn't set, make one for them if($prefs->htmlfooter == '') { $prefs->htmlfooter = "\n"; } // Give the loader time to display sleep(2); // Display the results echo $prefs->htmlheader . "\n" . $page . "\n" . $prefs->htmlfooter; ?>